Contact Information

Phone: (850) 638-6131
Toll-free: (877) 873-7232
Faxes: (850) 638-6109

  • Nancy Holley – Administrator of Instructional Services – 850-329-5314
  • Clayton Smith – Web Resource Tech ext. 2205

The electronic Professional Development Connections (ePDC) enables teachers to enhance skills while acquiring in-service points as they meet Florida’s professional educator certification requirements. It not only allows every educator to participate in high-quality professional development, which meets or exceeds Florida’s Professional Development System Protocol Standards, it is also a one-stop location where educators may view their professional learning transcript over time. Importantly, PAEC’s ePDC provides each district’s administrative team a structure and tracking system for planning, delivery, follow-up, evaluation, and reporting of all professional development. PAEC extracts and submits in-service data to the Florida Department of Education as a service to districts and updates the ePDC on an ongoing basis to ensure the needs of districts are met.