Migrant Education Program

Contact Information

Dr. Carol Garris, (850) 638-6131 ext. 3210

Lucia Esquivel, (850) 638-6131 ext. 2263

Project Services

Use this link to view a short video about the PAEC Migrant Project.

Migrant farm workers are an indispensable part of American agriculture, yet by every measure, these people are our most depressed workers. They work from sunrise until dark under unsanitary and dangerous conditions. The average life expectancy of a migrant farm worker is forty-nine compared to seventy-five for the general population. Migrant family income is one-fifth the national average. And, most alarmingly, only one migrant child in ten graduates from high school. To break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy, the Region I Migrant Education Program’s goal is to link migrant families to services and programs that support the well being and education of their children.


School boards and superintendents throughout Florida are required by state statute to cooperate with the Department of Education in identifying and reporting the names of each child who meet the qualifications defined by the Federal Regulation (Section 201.3) and Florida Statutes 230.23(13)(b) and 230.33(14)(b). To accomplish this, recruiters are employed to identify and recruit migrant families. Recruitment activities are handled through periodic visits to migrant living areas, referrals from schools, health departments, food stamp offices and other agencies.


Migrant Services Coordinators, Recruiters, and Academic Advocates provide wide-range, comprehensive family support through networking with agencies, programs and services to assist migrant parents and their children.

Interstate and Intrastate Coordination

PAEC partners with agencies throughout the state to ensure migrant families and students receive needed services; such as, referrals to GED Programs, CAMP programs, migrant services, early-childhood services, etc. Statewide contacts are maintained through committee participation, meetings, workshops and conferences.

Other Supporting Services Provided by Program Staff

Health Services are provided to migrant families and students through referrals to agencies. Some of the services offered by the agencies are: health screenings, immunizations, dental care, and other needed services.

Social Services are provided by migrant services coordinators and other advocates through participation and membership in interagency councils.

Nutrition is provided to all summer school participants and pre-kindergarten students through district/school food services.

Transportation to summer school is provided by the school district to students participating in district summer school programs.

Early Intervention is provided through Migrant services coordinators, advocates and recruiters seeking out programs appropriate to pre-kindergarten children.

Add-On and Tutorial Services are provided after school or on Saturdays for students in districts where large numbers of migrant students are enrolled.

Other Program Activities

  • Summer Basic Skills Program – A six weeks summer program is provided for over 300 currently migratory children in Gadsden County. The curriculum is designed to improve reading comprehension, language expression, writing and using the latest technology. The challenging content of selected materials utilized and high levels of performance expected from all students separate our summer program from remedial programs offered at other sites.
  • Parent Involvement – PAEC supports a Parent Advisory Council composed of representatives from the migrant eligible community. The Region I Migrant Education Program provides a comprehensive array of programs and services to the migrant families in Region I. For more information, contact Dr. Maria I. Pouncey, Project Director, 753 West Boulevard, Chipley, Florida 32428 (850) 638-6131, ext. 2266.

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