Title IV Part A

What is Title IV-Part A?

The Student Support and Academic Enrichment Project is intended to improve student academic achievement by increasing the state and local educational agencies capacity in the following areas:

  • Providing all students with access to a well-rounded education
  • Improving school conditions for student learning to support safe and healthy schools
  • Improving the use of technology in order to advance the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students

Panhandle Area Educational Consortium’s Objectives

  • To provide support and guidance to Title IV Part A, SSAE Project sub-recipients to ensure the applications are in approvable form as per federal and state requirements.
  • Assist sub-recipients in achieving and maintaining compliance with federal and state rules and regulations by providing technical assistance, sample process and forms, trainings and other items as appropriate.
  • Present professional development workshops, webinars and trainings to subrecipients, Title IV Part A, SSAE Project staff and other stakeholders on topics such as Title IV Part A programming, quality initiatives, academic instruction, enrichment activities, grants management and others.
  • Assist with developing and implementing process improvement measures, including the development of new and more efficient reporting documents and systems.

ESEA section 4107

  • Improving access to foreign language instruction, arts, and music education
  • Supporting College and career counseling, including providing information on opportunities for financial aid through the early FAFSA
  • Providing programming to improve instruction and student engagement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), including access to these subjects for underrepresented groups.
  • Promoting access to accelerated learning opportunities including Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IP) programs, dual or concurrent enrollment programs and early college high schools.
  • Strengthening instruction in American history, civics, economics, geography, government education, and environmental education.

ESEA section 4108

  • Promoting community and parent involvement in schools
  • Providing supportive school climates to reduce the use of exclusionary discipline and promoting supportive school discipline
  • Establishing or improving dropout prevention
  • Supporting the re-entry programs and transition services for justice-involved youth
  • Implementing programs that support a healthy, active lifestyle (nutritional and physical education
  • Implementing systems and practices to prevent bullying and harassment
  • Developing relationship building to help improve safety through the recognition and prevention of coercion, violence, or abuse
  • Establishing community partnerships.

ESEA section 4109

  • Supporting high-quality professional development for educators, school leaders, and administrators to personalize learning and improve academic achievement
  • Building technological capacity and infrastructure
  • Carrying out innovative blended learning projects
  • Providing students in rural, remote, and undeserved areas with the resources to benefit from high-quality digital learning opportunities
  • Delivering specialized or rigorous academic courses and curricula using technology, including digital learning technologies and assistive technology