- PAEC Virtual Instruction is a franchise of Florida Virtual School (FLVS) and the FLVS online platform is used by our teachers and students.
- We are located in the panhandle (Chipley) and students or their parents may contact the administrative team at our local office for assistance and support throughout the year.
- We serve as THE county virtual school provider for 11 districts across the Florida Panhandle.
- A virtual franchise managed by the Panhandle Area Educational Consortium which provides support services for member districts in a variety of areas including student data, instruction and professional development, payroll management, migrant and ESOL, exceptional student education services, and risk management.
- Courses are available for students in grades K-12.
- Account creation, course selection, and classroom assignment may take place at any time during the year.
- Students have access to a wide variety of elective and core courses allowing enhanced individualization of student learning plans, based on academic interests and/or needs.
- Students and parents are strongly encouraged to work closely with local school guidance counselors to ensure the courses selected will benefit the student academically.
- Project personnel work closely with district administrative teams and school guidance counselors to monitor successful academic progress.
- Students and families have flexibility to decide how many courses are taken at a time and to determine the work schedule that best meets the needs of the student.
- In order to avoid overload, students are enrolled in the first segment of each requested course (a segment is equivalent to a semester).Once that segment is completed successfully, they may be enrolled in the second segment.
- A majority of courses are taught by teachers in our geographical area, which generates funds to be used in your local community.
- Teachers are required to communicate with students at least monthly, to gauge progress and support successful course completion.
- State funding (FTE) is earned by the students’ home district when course segments are completed successfully, allowing availability of funds for local use.
- Teachers are available to meet with students through Zoom sessions when assistance is needed.
- Students enrolled in PAEC Virtual Instruction courses are considered to be enrolled in the school district of their residence and have access to the same educational opportunities and resources as students learning in traditional classrooms at district brick and mortar schools.
- PAEC Virtual Instruction team members are readily available to provide prompt customer service and to ensure top-quality instruction is provided to students.
Students in grades K-12 may enroll in virtual education courses either full-time or part-time, provided they meet state eligibility requirements as outlined in Section 1002.45 F.S.
Please check with your individual school district for further information.
PAEC Virtual Instruction Director Katrina Roddenberry 877-873-7232 Ext. 2315 katrina.roddenberry@paec.org | Resource Specialist Cindi Davis 1-877-873-7232 Ext. 2319 cindi.davis@paec.org |