Nancy Holley, Administrator of Instructional Services – 850-638-6131 –
The Curriculum Support Services were established to provide targeted support in areas identified by participating districts to accelerate student achievement with guidance from content area experts. Services will:

- Establish and collaborate with a content-specific advisory group from the elementary and secondary levels to obtain input so that assistance may be targeted to meet the needs of a district and or school/s.
- Support district efforts to align curriculum to state standards.
- Plan, create, and deliver professional learning content for educators to support district needs and or goals.
- Engage teachers in professional learning focused on standards-based instruction.
- Align instruction, student tasks and assessment with the rigor of Florida’s content standards.
- Share strategies and resources to provide effective instruction that meets the needs of all students including: English Language Learners, ESE, and Gifted.
- Offer guidance in the development and use of standards-aligned formative and summative assessments.
- Collaborate with district personnel to perform classroom walkthroughs for district or school-identified purposes.
- Provide academic feedback that is appropriate and timely.
- Provide direct classroom support, based on consultant’s classroom walkthrough/observation evidence and upon administrative request.
- Provide lesson/content planning conferences.
- Facilitate professional learning communities related to best practices and standards using technology
- Develop online learning opportunities as needed.
- Analyze and interpret district, school, classroom, and/or individual student data reports and collaborate with districts/administrators/teachers to identify next steps.