The purpose of the Academic and Professional Development team is to provide services that will enhance classroom instruction and, ultimately, increase student achievement. Content specific professional learning activities are offered face-to-face, blended and online to support the needs of educators.
K-12 English Language Arts (ELA)
Contact Information
Kris Bray, Data and Academic Manager (850) 638-6131 Ext. 2368
Yvette Lerner, Consultant (850) 638-6131 Ext. 2313
- Reading Academy
- Components of Literacy Workshops (Early Literacy, Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension)
- Collaborative Planning
- Technical Ongoing Site Support
- Modeled Lessons
- Mini-Professional Development (Grade and Content)
- Pacing/Curriculum Guide Development
- Literacy Across Disciplines
- Close Reading
- Writing Literacy (Focus upon Opinion-Based & Argumentative Writing)
- Data Study
- Program and Intervention Support
- Next Steps
Distance Learning
Contact Information
Nancy Holley, Administrator of Instructional Services – 850-638-6131 –
PAEC also uses distance learning in a variety of modalities to provide just in time professional learning opportunities to educators throughout member districts and the State of Florida. PAEC’s distance learning professional development model offers cost savings to districts, reducing teacher out-of-class and travel time and costs. A full menu of distance learning offerings can be found by visiting the PAEC website at
Add-On Endorsements
PAEC maintains a variety of add-on endorsement plans for the districts, including reading, ESOL, and gifted. The consortium ensures the add-on plans are revised and updated according to the FLDOE cycle.
English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Endorsement

Contact Information
Dr. Carol Garris, ESOL & Reading Consultant, (850) 638-6131 ext. 3210
PAEC offers an add-on English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Endorsement track through a variety of delivery methods such as face-to-face, blended, and online self-paced courses. All courses are developed focused on the latest research-based strategies in the ESOL field that address the state of Florida Teacher Standards for ESOL Endorsement; Rule 6A-4.02451. All courses are also aligned with WIDA’s English Language Development Standards Framework, and Can-Do Descriptors. The blended delivery method offers virtual online meetings (Zoom) with the consultant and allows participants to interact during the sessions, accompanied by follow-up coursework that is completed in our learning management system (Schoology). Each course is a 60-hour credit course totaling 300 credit hours for the ESOL Endorsement.
ESOL Endorsement Courses:
- ESOL 1: Methods of Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- ESOL 2: Applied Linguistics
- ESOL 3: Testing and Evaluation
- ESOL 4: Curriculum and Materials Development
- ESOL 5: Cross Cultural Communications
Additional ESOL Courses:
- ESOL for Category III Teachers (18 credit hours)
- ESOL for Guidance Counselors (60 credit hours)
- ESOL for Administrators (60 credit hours)
K-12 Reading Endorsement
Contact Information
Kris Bray, Data and Academic Manager (850) 638-6131 Ext. 2268
PAEC offers an add-on Reading Endorsement through face-to-face, blended and online options that addresses the five competencies through research-based reading instruction, application, assessment and differentiation with a five-course program of study and practical application to improve student reading success. Delivery of the face-to-face, blended and online Reading Endorsement components are provided by a team or individuals who are reading certified and/or endorsed. PAEC has committed to providing teachers in member districts several opportunities to earn a reading endorsement via the modality that best meets the individual teacher’s needs. Completion of the five competencies named below and totaling 300 credit hours, is required for the add-on Reading Endorsement.
Competencies and Course Titles:
- Competency 1: Foundations of Reading Instruction
- Competency 2: Application of Research-Based Instructional Practices
- Competency 3: Foundations of Assessment
- Competency 4: Foundations and Applications of Differentiated Instruction
- Competency 5: Demonstration of Accomplishment (Culminating Practicum)
Gifted Endorsement
Contact Information
Toyka Holden, Program Manager (850) 638-6131 Ext. 2222
The five courses needed to complete the gifted endorsement meet all requirements set forth by the FLDOE. Courses are taught using the hybrid method on Adobe Connect and Schoology. PAEC offers two courses per year.
Gifted Endorsement Courses
- Curriculum Development for the Gifted
- Theory and Development of Creativity
- Education of Special Populations of Gifted Students
- Guidance and Counseling for the Gifted Student
- Nature and Needs of Gifted Students
Master Inservice Plan (MIP)
Contact Information
Nancy Holley, Administrator of Instructional Services – 850-638-6131 –
The Professional Development Center developed and maintains the Master Inservice Plan for PAEC member districts. The Master Inservice Plan includes titles (usually broad) of professional learning offerings, component numbers, a description of the professional development that might take place under that component and the maximum number of inservice points that someone might earn for the component. It also addresses the key indicators required by F.S. 1012.98 and those that have been monitored over time as a result of the Florida Professional Development Protocol Evaluation System. The structure of the Master Inservice Plan and the correlating courses in the electronic side ensure districts are in compliance with professional learning monitoring and also ensures the appropriate information is accessible at Survey 5.
PAEC Annual Summer Leadership Conference
Contact Information
Nancy Holley, Administrator of Instructional Services – 850-638-6131 –
The annual summer leadership conference features nationally recognized experts on educational topics as well as a broad array of concurrent sessions specifically designed to inform while enhancing leadership skills.The conference attracts numerous business partners to introduce educational products to Florida school leaders. Attendees also enjoy the opportunity to network with peers from around the state and across the nation.